Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday Friday Friday

Yes, it's finally Friday! I'm not sure why Friday always seems so special. I guess it stems from the old days when I was still in school and Friday signaled the end of the school week. It was also date night or game as in football or basketball night. Now, it's I worked late so honey, can we pleeeze go out to eat night. Oh, how things change, but still stay the same. We went to our favorite quick dinner spot Puerto. As always the food is predictably good.
Work today was well, work. Our big half yearly or bargain basement sales starts tomorrow. I predict I am going to be busy tomorrow. Today wasn't Friday but Thursday as I have to work tomorrow which will make tomorrow Friday and Sunday Saturday and Monday Sunday...Did you get all of that?
Not much else for now...It's getting late and my peanut buster parfait is beginning to catch up with me. I'll sign off for now and write more on Saturday which will REALLY be FRIDAY!!!

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